Monday, July 28, 2014

RBC Canadian Open

A decent week of picks for many but another GREAT week for Chris Hood. He had a solo pick of Tim Clark and builds his lead surpassing the $10M mark on the season. In the past two weeks he's netted nearly $4.5M. That's more than 20 players in the pool have made all year -- including this guy!

Picking one guy every week out of 144 is frustrating and difficult. What I can do is usually tell you 3-5 guys not to pick. This week those guys were players who feel they are "major-worthy" and beyond tourneys like this. Luke and DJ fit this bill and both MC'd. Let me know if you ever need any help determining who NOT to pick. If you want to give me any advice on who to pick that would be great. 

Updated standings...

Chris Hood - $10,497,560
Tom Sullivan - $8,216,896
Russ Tigue - $8,153,745
Jennifer King - $8,104,295
Stefen Lovelace - $7,109,279
Don Adams - $7,070,842
John Barnes - $6,925,815
Jim Fisher - $6,774,794
Jeremy Hammond - $6,469,124
Matt Saler - $6,148,853
Mike Hubbard - $6,139,310
Sue Hubbard - $6,133,838
Cale Harbin - $5,891,236
John Reilly - $5,763,212
Jake Louricas - $5,664,470
Greg Adams - $5,557,632
Chris Edwards - $5,395,296
Kyle Rubeling - $5,277,710
Steve Marksamer - $5,102,466
Mark Wilson - $5,032,085
Bill Horton - $5,008,641
Joe Eber - $4,932,759
Scott Stein - $4,755,545
Brian Jones - $4,648,702
Mark Eber - $4,610,590
Jamie Pimentel - $4,277,696
Rob Randall - $4,204,639
Steve Smith - $4,102,759
Hunter Hughey - $4,082,218
Gray Kitchens - $3,995,939
Sean Scoopmire - $3,948,624
Allen Freedman - $3,909,987
Jason Swanson - $3,887,598
Tom Roberts - $3,618,515
Stefan Manford - $3,504,163
Brian Remsberg - $3,450,995
Clayton Mitchell - $3,112,508
Ryan Jordan - $3,085,494
Nick Eber - $3,076,784
Mike Blair - $2,970,896
Eric Busby - $2,870,459
Travis Brown - $2,576,499
Michael Fitz-Patrick - $1,758,038
Justin Marksamer - $1,642,730
Mike Jones - $1,638,674
Jeff Ianniello - $1,413,965

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Open Update...

What a golf tournament. Rory wins his third major winning wire to wire and Little Rickie and Sergio stepped up on Sunday to keep it interesting. A few random thoughts (feel free to add your own under comments)...

- Not sure about you guys but I was actually rooting for Sergio to at least make a playoff. Not just to keep it interesting, but the guy has suffered a lot. I know he's kind of a D-Bag but I really wanted him to win it. 

- Somewhere during the back 9 yesterday I said to myself Tiger will NEVER win four more majors. These guys are just too talented now, I don't see it happening.

- I really, really like Rickie but maybe he could get rid of that orange shirt on Sundays? He has a less than 1% win rate. Mix it up kid.

We had some major, major moves in the pool. Perhaps the best picks we've ever had in a non-Tiger win. Only two people picked Rory, below are the major moves and their picks...

Chris Hood (Rory) -- 5th to 1st
Tom Sullivan (Rory) -- 17th to 2nd
Matt Saler (Scott) -- 13th to 9th

Chris and Tom also take $75 each with the win and top pick in the major. Just four tourneys left but two with MAJOR purses. Only $15,000 separates 12th from 10th...

Updated standing...

Chris Hood - $9,471,560
Tom Sullivan - $8,216,896
Russ Tigue - $8,136,759
Jennifer King - $8,087,309
Stefen Lovelace - $7,109,279
Jim Fisher - $6,774,794
John Barnes - $6,771,915
Don Adams - $6,455,242
Jeremy Hammond - $6,367,237
Matt Saler - $6,148,853
Mike Hubbard - $6,139,310
Sue Hubbard - $6,133,838
John Reilly - $5,763,212
Cale Harbin - $5,737,336
Greg Adams - $5,540,646
Jake Louricas - $5,480,645
Chris Edwards - $5,349,839
Kyle Rubeling - $5,232,235
Steve Marksamer - $5,085,480
Mark Wilson - $5,019,051
Bill Horton - $4,773,041
Scott Stein - $4,755,545
Joe Eber - $4,697,159
Brian Jones - $4,648,702
Mark Eber - $4,583,610
Rob Randall - $4,204,639
Jamie Pimentel - $4,123,796
Steve Smith - $4,102,759
Hunter Hughey - $3,928,318
Sean Scoopmire - $3,794,724
Jason Swanson - $3,785,711
Allen Freedman - $3,674,387
Tom Roberts - $3,591,535
Stefan Manford - $3,504,163
Brian Remsberg - $3,405,538
Gray Kitchens - $3,380,339
Clayton Mitchell - $3,100,139
Ryan Jordan - $3,085,494
Nick Eber - $3,076,784
Mike Blair - $2,970,896
Eric Busby - $2,870,459
Travis Brown - $2,576,499
Michael Fitz-Patrick - $1,731,058
Mike Jones - $1,638,674
Justin Marksamer - $1,625,744
Jeff Ianniello - $1,413,965

Monday, July 14, 2014

John Deere Classic

Home stretch folks. Nobody picked Brian Harman but three did pick Zach Johnson. We have some movement in the top 10. A win at the British would move anyone above 40th place into the playoffs. $130 for the top pick...

1 - Jennifer King - $7,929,557
2 - Russ Tigue - $7,417,481
3 - Stefen Lovelace - $7,066,909
4 - Jim Fisher - $6,702,290
5 - Chris Hood - $6,139,986
6 - John Barnes - $6,052,637
7 - Don Adams - $5,735,964
8 - John Reilly - $5,690,708
9 - Cale Harbin - $5,664,832
10 - Jeremy Hammond - $5,647,959

11 - Greg Adams - $5,540,646
12 - Jake Louricas - $5,437,933
13 - Matt Saler - $5,429,575
14 - Kyle Rubeling - $5,159,731
15 - Chris Edwards - $5,060,533
16 - Mark Wilson - $4,946,547
17 - Tom Sullivan - $4,885,322
18 - Bill Horton - $4,700,537
19 - Steve Marksamer - $4,700,498
20 - Mike Hubbard - $4,567,490
21 - Sue Hubbard - $4,562,018
22 - Mark Eber - $4,540,898
23 - Brian Jones - $4,263,720
24 - Steve Smith - $4,060,047
25 - Jamie Pimentel - $4,051,292
26 - Rob Randall - $4,046,887
27 - Scott Stein - $4,036,267
28 - Joe Eber - $3,977,881
29 - Sean Scoopmire - $3,747,144
30 - Jason Swanson - $3,713,207
31 - Tom Roberts - $3,536,819
32 - Gray Kitchens - $3,380,339
33 - Stefan Manford - $3,373,463
34 - Hunter Hughey - $3,209,040
35 - Nick Eber - $3,034,072
36 - Brian Remsberg - $3,020,556
37 - Allen Freedman - $2,955,109
38 - Clayton Mitchell - $2,912,205
39 - Eric Busby - $2,797,955
40 - Ryan Jordan - $2,796,188  
41 - Mike Blair - $2,585,914
42 - Travis Brown - $2,576,499
43 - Michael Fitz-Patrick - $1,688,688
44 - Mike Jones - $1,596,304
45 - Justin Marksamer - $1,437,810
46 - Jeff Ianniello - $1,413,965

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Quicken Loans Update

A big week for Mr. Tigue. His direct email last week...

"Give me Justin Rose. I was this close to picking Watney so if he somehow wins I'm going to be pissed."

Well I took Watney and you know how it turned out for Rose. The solo win moved Russ up to 2nd in the standings and within a second place finish of our leader Mrs. King. He also nabs the rolling winner's pot of $60 and has his dues covered for next season.

Updated standings...

Jennifer King - $7,374,757
Russ Tigue - $6,865,645
Stefen Lovelace - $6,727,073
Jim Fisher - $6,362,454
Chris Hood - $6,012,028
John Barnes - $5,811,730
Greg Adams - $5,540,646
Jeremy Hammond - $5,535,159
Matt Saler - $5,391,806
Cale Harbin - $5,324,996
Don Adams - $5,213,206
John Reilly - $5,183,108
Kyle Rubeling - $5,046,931
Chris Edwards - $5,037,877
Jake Louricas - $4,917,593
Tom Sullivan - $4,870,164
Mark Wilson - $4,833,747
Bill Horton - $4,587,737
Steve Marksamer - $4,569,479
Mike Hubbard - $4,567,490
Mark Eber - $4,540,898
Sue Hubbard - $4,499,618
Brian Jones - $4,190,322
Steve Smith - $4,060,047
Rob Randall - $3,905,389
Joe Eber - $3,836,293
Jamie Pimentel - $3,824,256
Scott Stein - $3,800,160
Jason Swanson - $3,668,971
Tom Roberts - $3,536,819
Sean Scoopmire - $3,407,308
Stefan Manford - $3,280,347
Gray Kitchens - $3,238,751
Brian Remsberg - $3,009,558
Nick Eber - $2,994,376
Hunter Hughey - $2,869,204
Ryan Jordan - $2,796,188
Eric Busby - $2,779,736
Clayton Mitchell - $2,741,919
Allen Freedman - $2,615,273
Travis Brown - $2,576,499
Mike Blair - $2,473,114
Michael Fitz-Patrick - $1,678,724
Mike Jones - $1,596,304
Justin Marksamer - $1,437,810
Jeff Ianniello - $1,413,965